The design of this wedding was our favorite because it was the perfect representation of the vibrant, energetic, sweet, personal, and happy couple that is Nicole and Mark! The very first moment we met Nicole, she welcomed me with the biggest ear-to-ear smile, lavender hair, and a 50s style hoop skirt with cartoon kittens decked all over and we'll never forget that image for as long as we live. Surrounded by their nearest and dearest from all stages of life and family, we celebrated a love that was ten years in the making - even though their friendship began decades sooner - and there was no better place than Nicole's childhood home. And that day? Just as unique and memorable as this out-of-this-world duo!

This wedding day holds a very special place in our hearts and the amazing couple and family sit right beside it!

nicole & mark

colorful tented home wedding in

Images courtesy Emily Kirke Photography

We are all a little weird and life is a little weird, and when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up with them and fall in mutual weirdness and call it love.